There is a very old family tale of our earliest Kincaid hero.

In the early 1300s, Scotland was in turmoil as English kings clashed with Scottish heroes like William Wallace and Robert Bruce. Edinburgh Castle, held by the English, stood as a symbol of their power. Then, in 1314, Thomas Randolph, the Earl of Moray, had a daring plan.

Randolph's secret weapon was a daring soldier named William Francis Kincaid. Francis knew the castle's rocky terrain intimately, having frequently scaled it to meet his beloved, Bess, in the town below. With Francis as their guide, Randolph and thirty brave men scaled the castle's cliffs at night using a twelve-foot ladder. Despite a close call with the sentinels, they reached the walls.

A fierce battle ensued, but the surprise attack succeeded. The English garrison, thinking they faced a larger force, fled or perished. Edinburgh Castle returned to Scottish hands, a testament to bravery and clever strategy.

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However, the earliest reliable record of a Kincaid dates back to Robert Kincade, who served on an inquest held at Stirling on October 2nd, 1425. In 1447, a charter identifies Robert Kyncade de eodem as the son and heir of William Kyncade. Later charters record Robert's sons Patrick, David, and Robert.

For many generations, the Kincaids primarily resided in the central belt of Scotland, between Edinburgh and Glasgow. It wasn't until the 17th century that some family members started migrating outside the country.

The 19th century witnessed significant emigrations, driven by famine in Ireland and the Highland clearances in Scotland. Many people of Scottish descent sought new opportunities in North America, where lands of great potential awaited. Kincaid's younger sons were among those seeking better prospects, and some settled in England, Australia, South Africa, and other countries. However, the majority made their way to Canada and the United States.

According to current research, the earliest Kincaid to arrive in North America was David Kincaid, who came to Boston, Massachusetts in 1684. The following year, he moved to Oyster River, New Hampshire, where he married Anna Jenkins. Tragically, in 1722, David lost his life in an Indian raid.

From the very beginning of our family's journey through history to the present day, Kincaids of valor, courage, determination, and self-sacrifice have graced our lineage, serving as an endless source of inspiration for us all!

Dedicated to fostering widespread interest in the Kincaid family and Scottish heritage.

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